James E Price writes Captain Lewis Van Blarcom in 1873
James E Price, brother-in-law to Captain Lewis VanBlarcom writes of happenings In Michigan in 1873 and inquires about helping to collect a debt. This letter holds special meaning to me because of one seemingly miniscule item. When James mentions his mother-in-law, he calls her "Mrs Van B" which is also a nickname people have used for my father and myself (not the Mrs). It's just cool to see a common thread stretch all the way back nearly 150 years.
Dealer in General Merchandise,
Romeo, Mich. Mar 17, 1873
Dear Sir,
Yours of Feby 9th came to hand in due time - I have not been up to Metamora - but I wrote to the Post Master at that place. I have just rec'd his reply in which he says that E.S. Homadieu lives in their place and works at Hammock-making - how he is situated for money he knows nothing.
If you will send me the note I will go up there and see what I can do with it - perhaps I can get him to secure it if he cannot pay it. It will do no hurt to try it on. We are having good weather here at present. Nice warm time. Lucy and baby are quite well. Uncle Mike's people are very well. Mrs Sibb is down in your section. Jill and her sisters in law have been out here some time past stoping with Mr Ayres people. I rather expected Andrew would be coming out here to live we had got a soft thing if the progsure was carried out. Lucy sends her love to all. Remember me to mother - Mrs Van B - and all the good friends.
If you want I should look after that matter send along your paper and I will see what I can do with him.
Respectfully yours,